***This Bhoomi Land Records Karnataka:ಭೂಮಿ,ಆರ್.ಟಿ.ಸಿ,ಪಹಣಿ App is Not Official Application of any Government,App contain all sources from Karnataka Bhoomi Govt. websites-https://landrecords.karnataka.gov.in/***
!!!Our App Karnataka Bhoomi Details Provides More information about details to Know Bhoomi RTC AND XMLs and More.!!!
"Bhoomi Land Records Karnataka" App For Karnataka State,It Provides Good Results For Getting to know about karnataka Bhoomi Land Records Like RTC Mutations Status,MR Records Etc.”
It covered or gives more information about Bhoomi Land Records 2020,RTC,Phani,Land maps,Karnataka land survey,Karnataka land mutation status,Bhoomi Reports,Revenue Department and More..
Our Land Records Karnataka Bhoomi application provides following usefull information about Bhoomi as follows.
1.Can search Bhoomi mutation online.
2.View RTC,MR,RTC XML Verification.
3.You can login in i RTC Citizen Login with Relevent Bhoomi i RTC Wallet all Services.
4.Here application provides usefull about Karnataka All District Land Records Pahani,Map,RTC Records.
5.You can print original RTC Online by paying per Bhoomi RTC.
6.This is a Bhoomi flagsgip project of Karnataka Government,is a Karnataka Land Records management systems.
7.Bhoomi Pahani online is simply getting ORIGINAL LAND RECORDS KARNATAKA of rights on internet anywhere.
Desclaimer:This application is designed and developed for public services to help peoples of Indians to find latest their Bhoomi Records in the country of their own areas,you can use this app for personal purposes only,this application is not related or affiliated of any government and any government services or peoples or persons,Thank You.